the quality of your life is proportionate to the emotions you experience regularly.-Donny Epstein
Kaitlin Lystad, D.C., C.A.C.C.P.
Network Spinal Analysis
Is an evidence based approach to wellness and body awareness. Gentle precise touch to the spine cues the brain to create new wellness promoting strategies. Two unique healing waves develop with this work. They are associated with the spontaneous release of spinal and life tensions, and the use of existing tension as fuel for spinal re-organization and enhanced wellness.
Practitioners combine their clinical assessments of spinal refinement with patients’ self-assessments of wellness and life changes. NSA is exclusively practiced by Doctors of Chiropractic in relationship to the identification and self regulation of spinal tension and subluxation patterns.
Some of the benefits enjoyed by people under Network Spinal Analysis or NetworkSpinal include:
Spinal and Joint realignment
Improved Physical State
Development of a strong central nervous system leading to enhanced overall systemic function
Make Healthier Choices
Improved Adaptability to stress
Reduces stress levels and promotes emotional well-being and quality of life.
Neurology Exercises
Dr. Kaitlin uses neurology exercises to strengthen your brain commication between the two hemisphers and the individuatl brain hemispheres themselves. These exercises have been shown to help with sensory processing disorders.
Dr. Kaitlin uses these frequently to help connect and balance the brain. Most of her work is based off of Dr. Robert Melillo’s Brain Balance Program.
Pediatrics & webster Technique
Adjusting a pediatric spine takes a lot of skill, discipline, and finesse. Other than the obvious fact that their spines are much smaller than adult spines, children are much more active than adults. Their bodies are rapidly changing and growing.
Dr. Kaitlin decided to take additional courses in Pediatric adjusting, not only in her curriculum at Life University, but also through the ICPA. She has completed her certification from the ICPA in Pediatric adjusting. (All the letters behind her name stand for Certified by the Academy Council of Chiropractic Pediatrics).
Some of her smaller patient’s have sought out her care for:
Ear Infections
Growing Pains
Constipation & Colic
Sleeping Problems
Dr. Kaitlin is certified in Webster Technique. Webster Technique is a way of assessing the alignment of the pelvis. When the pelvis is in the correct position, the uterus can be in the correct position allowing the baby to use gravity and be head down in the vertex position, read to be born. By adjusting any misalignments found in the pelvis the uterus can be at its optimal shape. The baby is not adjusted or moved by the chiropractor.